Group 2
Chapter 2, Back to 蜀國, back to home
Leo as 張飛
Hazel as the storyteller
Webber as 劉備
Mita as 諸葛亮
Gate one:
關雲長 wants to leave 魏 so as to find his big brother 劉備, but before that he has to pass the three gates guarded by the three wisdom general, 張飛, 諸葛亮 and 劉備. They need to see if 關雲長 really held his loyalty toward 蜀, and to win over their trust, 關雲長 arrives at the first gate guarded by 張飛, and in this level 關雲長 will be looking at the portraits of 劉備, 關雲長 and 張飛, then he has to categorized the three men by typing out at least three roman spelling of the relative Chinese words that 關雲長 come up to describe the three portraits. For example he sees the portraits of 劉備, 關雲長 and 張飛, he types out the roman spelling of 「男人」「鬍子」and 「酒」, he then could moved to the next level.