2015年5月17日 星期日

Group3/Bonnie Script

Firefox: Admittedly, 關 has some skills in this but it is impossible to find the cure with this clues. As you know, you need to collect some number and combine them as coordination so that you can find the cure.

小喬:Cut the crap please. My dear is not only handsome but also intelligent. With the help of kuan, we will scare nothing.

周瑜: My heart, forgot it. Because it seems like not only my face transform into beast but also my brain and it gets slow down. So we shall turn to 關 to solve those fucking question.

Firefox: look, how scare you are, haha, you will be a beast in your whole life.

小喬: 關, please help us~! We just need to figure out the answer and combine them in order. The combination of number is the coordination of the cure. We are not far from success.

