2015年6月10日 星期三

Task3: Transcription


Task3: Transcription

N(Nobody), GO(Gossiper), ST(Storyteller), Hi(Himit), Ha(Ha), Na(Nadia)
GO: Okay! Nadia are you here?

N: Yeah Yeah.

GO: Okay~

GO: Okay. So everybody is here

N: Everybody is here?

GO: Yes. Everybody is here.

N: Okay. Ah, I feel so bored. I am tired of training every day. I am willing to fight for our great leader, Chao Chao, but training alone is so boring. So Guan, Yun, Chang, I want you to train with me! Let’s play a game. This game is called carrot squats. The rule is this: I will do a gesture, and you are going to repeat my gesture and say the name of it. Okay?

GO: Can you show us…

N: Yes. I’m going to…

GO:…how to do that?

N: Yes. Let me introduce all gestures to you. So you can know which button can do which gesture. So…Ah…Please look at the toolbar on the top of the page. Can you see Communicate?

Na: Yes.

GO: Yes.

ST: On the upper left bottom

N: Yes.

ST: upper left bottom. There is a thing called Communicate.

N: Me, Communicate, World, Built, Help. Communicate! Can you see?

ST: Communicate

ST: Nadia can you see it?

Na: Yes. Yeah. Yes.

ST: the Communicate bottom on the upper left side.

Na: Yeah.

ST: Okay. So can everybody see it?

Hi, Ha, Na: Yes.

N: Okay. Click Communicate, in the middle there is Gestures.

GO: Gestures.

ST: Um. Gestures.

N: Right?

Na: Yes.

N: Did everyone see it?
Na: Yeah.

ST: So there is a list of gestures.

N: Yes. As you can see, these are many gestures that you can do.

ST: why…If I click F9, so I am dancing, right?

N: Can everyone see the gestures?

GO: Yes. I am crying now.

N: Okay. So as you can see, there are many gestures and the name of it. So I am going to do a gesture. But I won’t tell you which gesture it is. You need to figure out by yourself. Then you do the same gesture as me and say the name of that gesture, Ok? Can everyone understand?

GO: Nobody is the name of Tiffany0207. And you have to see which gesture he’s doing. Is that okay?

Na: In the window the gesture is not listened.

GO: Um…You can see his gesture and you have to guess which guess it is and you can find on the list and you can do the same

Na: Yeah. I mean the list doesn’t appear in my window.

GO: Oh. Really? Okay.

ST: Did you click the Communicate bottom?

Na: Yeah. Yeah. Already.

ST: And you also click the gesture bottom?

N: Yeah. Done.

ST: And there is no window above?

Na: We had a window but it’s…it’s just like column and no list. Doesn’t appear anything.

GO: Oh…

N: (不是可是我已經跟她講很多遍了可是)

GO: So…there is…

Na: I can…right?

N: (不是他們兩個都有,可是我不知道為什麼她的沒有出現)

ST: Then…Okay So it’s only Nadia that doesn’t have the window, right?

Na: Yeah.

ST: Okay. So…Um…Maybe we can just skip Nadia…and…hope that help….

Na: Oh…so it’s that!

ST: Yeah. But you can…

(speak at the same time)

ST: Yeah. She can also do the gesture like… she can try to press F2 or F9 or F5…she will send the gestures, right?

Na: Okay. Go ahead.

N: Okay.

GO: Sorry about that.

N: Okay. So now I am going to the first gesture. Please watch me carefully. (bow) Okay. That’s it. It’s your turn.

Na: What? What did you do?

ST: Can you do it again?

N: I do it the third time. Can you see it? You need to guess what…which gesture it is and repeat my gesture.

GO: OH, I do the same, right?

GO: Himit, do you see what gesture he has done?

Hi: No, I didn’t see it.

GO: Oh…Maybe Tiffany you can stand close to…

N: Okay.

GO: close to us. Yes.

N: Okay. Let me do it again.

GO: One more time. Yes. Yeah.

ST: Oh~

N: Did you see?
N: Yes. Yes. Himit you are right.

Hi: Yeah. Haha.

N: So what’s the…
GO: Himit…maybe…Yeah…

N: Ah…Sorry?
GO: You can answer.

N: So what’s the name of it?

GO: Himit, What gesture did you do?

Hi: A bow.

N: Yes. Yes. Exactly.

GO: Yes~
N: Yes. So the second gesture


ST: Oh~

GO: Okay. The second…

N: The second one. Okay? Can you see it?
N: Yeah. So it’s your turn.

N: Yes. Himit do it right.


ST: I could not see it. You are blocked by the box.

GO: Yes. Ha is do it right.

N: Um…Nadia…

GO: Nadia maybe you can guess which gesture

N: Yes.

GO: just from his gesture.

ST: Or can anybody teach her how to do it?

Hi: laughing

Na: laughing?

N: Yes. Yes.

GO: I think you can press F8 bottom. F8.

ST: F8.
GO: F8. So you can laugh with us.

Na: It doesn’t work. Sorry.

N: That’s okay. That’s okay.

N: Okay. The third gesture, it’s also the last one.


GO: I hear some sounds.

N: Yes. Yes.

ST: What’s that sound?

GO: It’s a kind of whistle?

N: Yes.

ST: But who is whistling?

GO: whistle?


ST: It’s annoying.

N: Yes Yes Yes

GO: Okay.

N: Okay. You finish my training. You may go to next kingdom.


ST: Okay. According to the written history, Guan Yun Chang found he miss his big brother in Shu kingdom after serves for a while for Chao Chao. So he asked to leave from Wei back to Shu.

