2015年6月8日 星期一

task 5 transcription

S: storyteller G: gossiper H: Himit N: Nadia  H: Ha

KM: Hey~ Hi everyone! long time no see, Yun Chang. Is your travel tough? Do you face a lot of difficulties? We always face different kinds of barriers which are just like these pegs on the board. The yellow chess and the black board. I need to overcome all the obstacles and make our master succeed. Therefore, I always sit in front of the chess board and think how to make these pegs remain with the least amount. As a loyal servant, I have no choice but to think and scheme the plan for master’s success. It seems that a tiring and boring life. However, thinking on the bright side, my wisdom increases day after day.

KM: So, can you show your wisdom by playing this chess game?  You have to jump over each peg just as we remove every difficulty in our lives until the game is over. In order to finish this game, you need to have enough intelligence and understanding. So, are you ready?  Let's start the game.

S: Can you teach us how to pass....

KM: OK. And the goal is to remove pegs from the board by jumping over each peg with another peg, just like you can remove this peg and jump over this peg and to.. sorry this one. OK,so if you choose this peg you can jump over this peg and after you jump over this peg this peg will gone and I will take away this peg and everyone understand? 

S: So, you mean the only way that we can move the peg is to jump over another one. And one  any pegs across then you will remove it that mean we have last one peg on the board right? The purpose is to make least pegs on the board, it like this? How can we move the peg by.. if we got to take the button something, how could we move it?

KM: you click the right click, and you will see the edit, right? Edit and you will see the green line and blue line and red line and you can move the pegs, OK?
Use the green line, you can move the peg right and left and use the blue line you can move the up and down and in this game only horizontal and vertical jumps are allowed. So you just use the blue line and the green line. So, the game is over when no more jumps are possible. Then you win the game by removing all the pegs. So now I put the upper pegs cross the the another one, so you got to remove the one of the peg right?

G:So, Nadia, Do you want to try? Maybe you can try the first start
N: I don't want to be the first this is embarrassed 
G: OK, so man first
KM: Ok sorry, we should make the chess board back to the original one. So, where is the pegs?
S: You mean you got to make it to the first original one
KM: I can't see the pegs
G: Maybe we can....
KM: Goldmountain,you are moving?
G: Maybe we can start at this 
KM: Situation?
G: Yes yes
KM: No problem. No problem.
G: OK, so let's start
S: It is be really hard to get it back
KM: Ok no problem
S: I mean I am trying but...
KM: Ok, so who go first
G: Maybe himit do you want to be the first one
H: oh hahaha I am taking the button 
G: oh~ you jump one button right?
KM: Do you move?
G: Hitmit did you jump the pegs?
S: Oh I see it~ I move it. Someone move it. Is that you? ok 
S: If you count it is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven. The eleven peg is one you got to remove. 
H: I don't know how to remove.
S: It's OK. Someone will remove it for you. You just jump, and then...
KM: Yes, you jump. Choose one peg you want to move. I will....
G:Yes, our first step.
S: OK nice nice. we move one peg right?
G: Ha, do you want to try?
KM: Next one.
G: Himit can you give Ha a hint?
S: All right, can I do it? Mia can I do it for them? Can I also jump? 
KM: OK, no problem.
S: OK, nice.
G: Yes
KM: OK, nice.
G: Do it one more. 
KM: Next one
G: Ha do you understand the rule now? You can jump the pegs across one peg and the peg will be do it
KM: You use the right click and you can see the edit and you can move the pegs right? You will see the blue line and green line and use the blue line you can move the pegs up and down use the green line, you can move the pegs right and left, OK.

S: OK, Mia you got to remove one more cause I all put. The.... the third one on the board

KM: right?

S: It's not that one. The next one

KM:This one?

S:Ya, that one. Yes yes and I will do it one more

G: Naliya, do you want to try

N: OK, let me try, hahaha

H: I...................

G:Try just try. Who is laughing?

H: I know how can...........

KM: Which peg do you choose?

N: Anyone can guide me? I would follow your guide, or she can follow your guide.

G: OK. Which...... Did you... Have you move the pegs already?

H&N:........... I don't know

KM: You can just choose  one peg and use the right click and you will see the edit, right? 

N: Ya~
KM: And you can move the pegs. You move it?

G: Yes

KM: I see that, jump over one peg

S: So Mia can we change the rule, the challenger's rule to like so now we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen like twenty pegs on the

S: Who move the board?
KM: Who move the board?
S: Don't move the board 
KM: You destroy my home.....
Everyone: hahahhaha
S: Is that the rule 
G: I think we win
KM: Ok you win
Everyone: Hahahhaha
KM: Sorry it is a little difficult because there are the complex rule in this game but I always use this game to gain my wisdom.
G:Yes, I think we become very smart now 
KM: I think all of you are smart now, Ok thank you , thank you for inviting my home, visit my home
H: Thank you
KM:OK, and follow me I will take all of you to the next one
G: Let's go find the big brother. 

