2015年6月9日 星期二

Task2 - Transcription

 (ST-Storyteller; GO-gossiper; CL- Chang liao; H- Himit; N- Nadia; HA-Ha)

GO: Can you see the map? (CL: Yes, the map is in the right side) the triangle shape?

CL: Yes, so.. we are the kingdom of Wei, the blue one, and the other one, Shu and Wu are both our rivals. Now, there begins a war. Ah…our great leader, Chao Chao, is my savior. It was him that taught me how to become a respectful man. My achievement should be contributed to him. So, now it my chance to show my appreciation, and to help him win this war! Although we have less soldiers than theirs. There is still a strategy to beat them down!

GO: What’s the plan, sir?

CL: We will secretly steal in their barn where they store all food.

ST: To steal their food?

GO: or to eat their food?

CL: Neither, I will lead our troop to burn out the barn. If they lack food, their power will gradually 
decrease. It is the proper way for our unpleasant situation.

ST: What’s a smart plan!

CL: Yes, Now I am preparing necessary tools, but I still lack something. And I need you to find out three 
things and take them to me. Pay attention, the first one guides me the correct direction to go head; the second one helps me attack the enemy; and the last one protects me from harm. Do you have any question?

GO: So, now we have to find the three things for Chung Liao.

CL: Yes, and… You have to find only one thing by each of yourselves. Do.. and hmm they are all spread in 
Chao Chao’s house. Both inside and outside. When you find out, choose “take” and come back to me!  

GO: Yes.

ST: Ok, so we can guess a while what the three things. The first one is… it can guide us to the right 
direction. What do you think Is that? (H: Compass)

ST & GO: Oh….that’s nice!(H: Ya)

GO: So… the second one. It can helps you to attack enemy. What do you think it is?

H: ??

GO: Maybe another?

N: He has…

GO: A kind of weapon?

N: Type of weapon.

GO: A kind of weapon?

H: Gun?

N: No. there is no gun at that time.


GO: Ok. Maybe we can just find the weapon. See what kind of it is. Ya, and last one is that can protect 
you from harm.

H: ??

N: ha?

H: Harm.

N: oh. Harm.

GO: From harm. Yes. So we have to find these three things out (H: armor) ya, yes! Maybe.

ST: So, we need to go back to Chao Chao’s room and to find those things….. Those things for Chang liang.

GO: Let’s walk back to the house.

GO: Do you hear the loud noise? 

GO: Do you find anything?

CL: Ok. When you find out, you choose right button and choose take. Then you can take the thing.

ST: ??

ST: Himit. I thought… I think you just miss the thing the armor, the helmet. (H: Oh.)When you walk out. 
And you need to walk back to that….to the room.

ST: Ya…and I think the thing is one the toilet is that helmet. (H: Oh ya… haha) ya..

GO: And you click the right button. Right click (CL: Each one only has one thing)

ST: you can right click the button and choose ta…take. Can you?

GO: Ha. Do you find anything?

ST: Himit. Can you take the thing?

H: No, I can’t take it.

ST: You can’t take it? Ok, maybe I will take it for you.

GO: Oh, I see some weapon here (laughter)

Go: Ha. Did you see me? Maybe you can come here and and pick up the weapon.

HA: Where?

GO: The place …..board? Can you see me?

HA: But I have compass.

GO: Yas. There is a sword here maybe you can pick it up.


HA: But I can’t click…

GO: you can’t? Chang liang we can’t take it.

 (Finish the task)

H: I took my weapon.

GO: Oh… you have your. So…you click right button and you can take or… is it possible to take that? HA. 
Did you click the right button of the sword?

HA: Hmm.

GO: Yes, and can you take that?
HA: I can’t.

GO: Oh.. you can’t take it?

ST: Ok. so I will take it for you.

ST: 他走了

GO: Ok. I can take that thing. Take. Ok! So we got a sword now and so (ST: So. Now we only lack the 
compass right?) Nadia, Did you find anythings?

N: There (laughter)

GO: there find compass, not yet?

Ha: I found compass.

CL: Ha found the compass.

ST: Ha found the compass, So we still have to find the..

GO: Is it outside the house or inside the house?

N: I am looking for it. Can you give me some hints?

GO: Yes. Chang liang can you give some hints?

CL: So.. .what do you find now?

GO: We found helmet and sword. So, we lack of compass.

CL: Compass. I think Ha is find out.

GO: oh. Really?

CL: Really.

GO: So we found all the things?

CL: Yes. Right? Ha, do you find out (GO: YA~)Ok~

GO: So, Let’s go back to the boat?

ST: Chang liang I have already put the…put the helmet on your right side. Can you see it?

CL: No.

ST: Can you… the helmet is in front of the map.

CL: Oh. I see it.

ST: Yes.

CL: So, now you find all things. Where did you find it?

GO: Yes, hmm…

ST: The helmet is in the bathroom which was found by Himit. (H: Ya)

CL: Ok~

GO: Yes.

CL: And the second one?

GO: The second one, the sword, we found at the… on the table.

CL: ok...then the third one.

ST: And the third one we need to ask Ha. Where did he find it?

Ha: I found in front of the scary toy.

CL: Ok. (GO: Yes..in front of ….)

CL: Ok. My fellow. (GO: Ok!) you do well! And now I decide to give them to you as reward. I will teach 
you how to take it. You click inventory in the third…in the left side of the bar….the toolbar of your 
screen. Can you see it? The third one of your toolbar in the left side of your screen. And then open 
object folder and choose… choose the object and click it and you will wear it.

GO: Nadia?

N: Oh…yes

GO: Nadia, do you see the sword I put on the beach?

CL: Ok. I see Himit wear on.


GO: Nadia, do you see the sword?

N: Yes.

GO: Yes, and you can.. you can take it up. The sword is for you, because you don’t have a sword now

H: Dose this box protect me? (laughter)

GO: It’s your armor.

CL: It look great!


ST: can you ???

N: Fun.. you can fly.

CL: Ha. Can you wear compass?

Ha: Hmm

CL: You wear compass. Ya. I saw it. Ok~ it’s your reward now. And along the river will you see a woody… 
wooden house. There is a trainer who drills every day for the war. And he will teach you how to be stronger. Go to him!

GO: Ok! So, Let’s go to the small house.

